Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Database Tutorial
id int,
name varchar(255),
marks int,
create table lecturer(
id int primary key,
name varchar(255)
create table batch(
id int primary key,
description varchar(255)
One to One
alter table batch add column lectId int;
alter table batch add foreign key(lectId) references lecturer(id);
alter table lecturer add column batchId int;
alter table lecturer add foreign key(batchId) references batch(id);
One to Many
alter table student add column batchid int;
alter table student add foreign key(batchId) references batch(id);
Turn off Foreign Key
set foreign_key_checks=0;
Add data to batch
insert into batch
values (1,'.NET,1),(2,'Java',2),(3,'QA',3),(4,'PHP',4),(5,'Pega',5),(6,'Intern',6),(7,'C++',7);
insert into lecturer
values (1,'Madu',1),(2,'Shyam',2),(3,'Nimali',3),(4,'JJ',4),(5,'Sanjay',5),(6,'Mihiri',6),(7,'Keith',7);
insert into student(id,name,marks)
values (1,'Kalani',90),(2,'Nuresha',90),(3,'Sashikala',90),(4,'Nadeesha',90),(5,'Suresh',99),(6,'Lahiru',95),(7,'Sandi',80),(8,'Sheron',85),(9,'CJ',77),(10,'Achini',70),(11,'Chanks',65);
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Life goes on
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I Think
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Michael Jackson End of an Era

And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place CouldBe
Much Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow.............. I still remember almost 10 years back how I watched Michael Jackson's songs in MTV Most Wanted as amazed as every fan. Specially his Earth Song,Will u be there for me, We are the world touched my heart. He was inevitably the King Of Pop. But later I did not have much time for music but once in a while when I'm feeling down I turn back to my childhood hobies. And listning to my favourite music was one of them and always MJ's songs were among them. But yesterday morning when I logged into internet the first chat I got from a friend was a link, I just clicked on it and waited for my super ultra fast dial up conncetion to load the page and after few minutes only I realised the end of the link said Michael_Jackson_Dies_(http://digg.com/celebrity/Michael_Jackson_Dies_2). I was so shocked and could not belive what I was actually seen.I went to yahoo news for more news and yes the "King of Pop" had left us from a cardiac arrest.
I read a lot of articles, I herad about his trial and all but personally I think he should have lived more.In 2008 August 28 J Randy Taraborrelli, the journalist who reported 'Michael Jackson Turns 16' in 1974 and Michael Jackson Turns 21,writes an article for his 50 th birthday where he mentions "He later fancied himself as a new-age Peter Pan and tried to recapture his lost childhood in any way he could - not least through his famous Neverland ranch with all of its amusement park rides, zoo and its bucolic grounds bustling with happy children.". He further says that "Looking back, Neverland - which he bought in 1988 - was the worst thing ever to happen to Michael Jackson. It allowed him too much solitude and gave him the chance to isolate himself from his friends and family, and from common sense. He surrounded himself with children, animals and a false reality - so much so that he never learned how to cope in the real world. He never wanted to grow up, and his managers encouraged these eccentricities when they should have encouraged therapy. They allowed him to live an excessive life and spend money like there was no tomorrow".
This clearly proves how ones childhood afftect the entire life.If Michael Jackson had a normal childhood like the other kids and got the love,afftection and care his later life would have been more beautiful. And also it surprises me how media who gave an image of a monster to him now talking of him as a god. I came across articles where they speek all about his charty work and how he contributed for humantarian yet he was the victim of media criticism for the past 10 years.
This is how the article ends from the writer who has reported more on Jackson in the past 30 years than anyone else - including having written three best-selling books about him concludes his article on Mchael's 50th birthday, 'It's what he hangs on to, the chance that he'll be able to relive the glory days through one of his children. But for a man who is so obsessed with youth, so intent on remaining a child, many fear his birthday will be a day of reckoning for Michael Jackson. He has no plans to celebrate, other than in some small, private way with his children.
And this time there'll be no big interview with me - or anyone - to commemorate the occasion.
He has even begun to regret having plastic surgery and spends much of his time staring at his reflection in the mirror.'I don't know what I was thinking back then,' he recently said. 'Everyone makes mistakes when they're young, I guess. But I still look OK, don't I? I mean, for 40?' When reminded that, in fact, he was about to turn 50, Jackson gave a sad, half smile. 'It all went by so fast, didn't it? I wish I could do it all over again, I really do.' But for Michael Jackson, it seems, the time for a comeback has passed. 'I'm tired,' he said last week. 'I've got nothing left to give. I just want to be left alone. Is that so bad?' '
My post is not complete if I don't include this,"In addition, Jackson believes that the masses of fans who once flocked to his concerts won't be there for him today. He fears they have been turned against him by the trial. At a recent meeting with a promoter in Las Vegas, he expressed amazement at the success of the recent re-release of Thriller. 'I'm really shocked,' he said. 'I can't believe people actually bought it. I heard it sold more than three million copies. Can you believe it?'
It is a question if we,his fans were there in his darkest hours and his trials and his deepest despair but today fans all through out the world are crying out for him but he's not there anymore to see how much we care.
Farewell Michael Jackson, your songs will be with us till you come back in a new form coz I thoroughly believe god should have been more fare to you and hope you will have a blessed life in your next birth and the you will get the love, afftection from that you so earnestly carved for and you will do wonders in the music industry again.
In Our Darkest Hour
In My Deepest Despair
Will You Still Care?
Will You Be There?
In My Trials
And My Tripulations
Through Our Doubts
And Frustrations
In My Violence
In My Turbulence
Through My Fear
And My Confessions
In My Anguish And My Pain
Through My Joy And My Sorrow
In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
I'll Never Let You Part
For You're Always In My Heart.
P.S If anybody's wondering why I'm stressing upon his childhood I'd like you to read this part on an interview with The Times Magazine in 1993. The article says "Jackson's life was never, ever normal. For a celebrity of his magnitude, to be seen is to be smothered, to be a star is to be a freak, to be loved is to be abused. A poignant and appalling case history that could have come straight out of Krafft-Ebing, Jackson's childhood was marred by mistreatment. In a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, he recalled his youth, when his father Joseph was making millions off his sons' popularity. Jackson said that in puberty — "very sad, sad years for me" — his father routinely called him ugly, "and I would cry every day." When Winfrey asked, Did your father ever beat you? Jackson tried to smile as he said yes. Then, in an aside to his father, he added, "I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." With that wincing smile, Jackson was like a wounded orphan who has walked through fire and has booked a return trip."
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Once in a while
Saturday, March 14, 2009

I have always lived my life with the characters from my story books and tv shows as long as I can remember, Josh, Paul, Riana, Kathy, Julian,Harry to name a few. And I never imagined after reading Harry Potter any book would make feel it's so real and unpredictable and keep me glued on to the seat. But Stephany Mayer proved me wrong with Twilight series which consists of five books Twilight, New Moon,Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun. And currently Catherine Hardwicke had put the first book into a movie with Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and I would like to give her my heartiest gratitude towards the hard work they have done to make it a success. And wish all the very best for the second movie of the series, New Moon which is gonna be released in November 20. I should admit the movie's missing some very important and emotional parts from the book but altogether it's a good attempt and Edward Cullen and Bella Swan truely match the characters described in the book.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Endless Persuing
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year

I'll step back to 2008 which I still can't believe is over.The January first of 2008 feels like couple of hours back ;).It's the year I most feared to welcome I thought I'd either go crazy or get over it.But I didn't go crazy neither did I get over.It's the same old me. Nothing is Ever Forgotten. :) I did reach some of my goals too. I had a dream of graduating before 20 but I somehow graduated in 21. Not so bad huh? ;)2008 was full of happenings happiness,sorrow,achievements,disappointments,new frineds,understanding about current friends goes the list so on.Going back to the beginning of 2008 I got a really bad news came on the first week.Then by the end of Jan I got sick with some viral thing and had to be in home for two weeks and the day I recovered I had the Computer Systems Organizaton test.No idea how I wrote it but I got an A.Hats off to u for the help.Then I was sick for my birthday and couldn't have the party for my 21 st birthday.But the most horrible thing was loosing my dear old mobile phone which I carried around with me everywhere even after getting the new one.It wasn't just a mobile.I lost touch with all my school and BCS friends and all the sweeet messages from friends.More than that it was my first mobile :(. What else did I loose?? Four teeth because i had to put bracers. And I did a really big mistake by quitting the first company who offered me internship and a good projject and the chance to code from my second day.Then I did a really big mistake by going somewhere else which is soooo boring :( .Then came another time full of hardships when I was sick and the doctors couldn't find the reason coz all the reports were normal.And last but not least I muust mention Imagine Cup as well.Now I'm gonna move to the good parts.I wasn't had working in the second year but managed to get A's. And oh my god the Copmuter Services Management paper of the BCS exam which I wrote shivering with fever and nothing on my mind but ultimately ended in succeeding :). Thank you god!!!!Thank you so much!!!And passing the Network paper of the BCS exam was a miracle too coz all the questions in the paper were new and nothing I studied. And I'm sooo glad I got through the BCS final level without going to classes.(I did join, but as I always got late I kind of stopped going ;).Thank you god for helping me to graduate in 21. And hats off to all of you who helped me in some way.Hmmm and finally I got to be in a project which has image processing after being jobless for fiv months.Hopefully I'll get to code in image processing module.As I said before this year (oops sorry, last year) was full of happenings. Everything was happening like a butterfly effect.It was cool but hard too and I wonder if anybody went through more than this.If so I'd like to know.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Jingle All The Way

Ho ho ho Ho ho ho Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!
Thought this would be a better starting on this special day.The cold breez and the smiling faces made it hard for me to feel gloomy and find any fault to grumble about office ;) . Christmas has always being the season to be light hearted, free, cheerful what's more feel on top of the world. :) Well gradually the spirit is moving away year by year, it had being ages since I decorated the christmas tree and waited for Santa. Yep, I believed in Santa till I started preschool coz my Christmas presents were waiting for me in the Christmas morning. So bad mom, u guys were fooling me :(. Today no christmas presents, no christmas tree, got only today to celebrate and stuck in office where as I had a whole month to celebrate till this time.Oh am I grown up now???? :( .And I should note here all the fun times I had with Nadeesha, my best friend. Miss u girl. Hope u still remember all the super crazy stuff we used to do in December vacation as I do. Oh and the best thing was watching Christmas movies ;) . There were soooo many nice Santa movies like I'm home for christmas,Jingle all the way, oh and soo many movies where christmas wishes come true in Art TV home movies, TNL, even ITN and Rupavahini and lastly ETV.Hmmm hope they'll telecast at least one nice movie today ;). Ah so many Happy Memories at the Christmas parties too and not to mention the delicious yummy christmas cakes ;).Things are a bit boring but all those memories bring a smile to my face and yes it is hard to feel gloomy and I wanna say loudly I'm sooooo happy and wish a merry christmas too.Jingle all the way guys ;)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Random feelings
Well I was actually planning to write my Interior Monologue part 2 but during my free time at office which is almost all the time there as I'm blessed with some misfortune to be sitting jobless I was reading stuff on the internet. Well that would range from technical stuff to paranormal ;). There were some facts which thoroughly drew my attention,mmm would be more appropriate if I say which made me sad and think twice.In many stories and poems people were lamenting over what they let go. Well in my case it was only a placement of one year which is the most important thing for me in this year but these people have let go of their preacious love.And then alas lamenting over it, thinking of the past and wishing they can go back in time.But what surprises me is had the circumstances been that much worse that they had to take a decision and let go of love.It just surprises me can you really let go of your love if it means so much as to lament over ages.I'm not reffering instances where u let go of him or her for that person's good or if there are distances between you. But there were incidents people did that for no reason maybe coz they didn't understand how much they loved the other till they lost that person.I wonder how this feeling consisting of four words brings so much happiness and so much sufferings to one's life.Yet I feel it should be something withing you and pure and it should not always end up achieving the person,but here I'm not saying that you should let go either but if you can't have your love by some means people should be happy by seeing the other's happiness, well like a silent love.I think that'll be a cure to the lamenting,frustration, sufferings and so on........ But most importantly hold on to your love when you've got it coz once broken, the heart is the least possible thing to replace and more than that I can't bear to read any more blogs posts and stories and poems of people's sufferings coz they let go of love which I believe to come once in a life.Believe in your love and god will lead you to him or her.Oh I guess that was tooo much from me. okmanymanyapolagiesifIwasted ur time. Just hold on o what your heart say and not what the world expects from you.Do every possible thing to hold on to your love and still if you loose you can comfort your weepingheart sayin tht you did your best to stop him or her. ;)Good Luck everyone.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Intel's Core i7