Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is it what u think it is?Find out before it's too late

Sometimes we act without thinkin n sometimes we think but do not perform the right action.What happened to me last week was similar to the second acion, coz I thought but didn't act wisely and ended up in a mess.Scrutinizing the last week's happenings now I understand what really happened n whwre I went wrong.The problem was I couldn't understand my real problem which was something not related to my job or residence.I was alarmed by some other factor which I should not have even considered important and it made me really stressed as well.
So I assumed that I was stressed by travelling n gave up the job coz I thought I was stressed by the work and the travelling which actually was not the fact that was actually bothering me.
But what happened is over n how much I think about it thing can never change.N I still can't believe I gave up everything for a reason which I should not have considered important.
I think the most important thing for success is understanding who u are n what makes u really happy n where u really wanna be. Most of all when u are streesed it is very important to understand your our real pproblems n which we can't do because we can't think clearly ultimately perform the rational action.
When u feel something is bothering u and need to get away from the feeling it is very important to take a break n it should be u who understand your problems n not your relations and friends. N even though my family and some friends tried to put m in the correct path I could not listen t them coz my stuberness was preventing me from thinkin that I'm wrong.Finally I wanna say live with a clear perspective n understand who u are n your problems before it's TOO LATE.

PS:It's not just one fact.Mixure of very intriguing feelings which made act like a maniac.