Hi there everyone, after all of my bored and frustrated notes I'm gonna write something which made me feel alive. And it's none other than the Twilight saga. After seeing the trailer on yahoo movies last year although I planned to catch up the movie the circumstances were such that I never got a chance to get hold of it till two weeks back when my friend announced that she got the ebooks. But as didn't bother to finish the previous books she gave me simply coz the stories really didn't are not my kinda stuff ;) she was reluctant to send it coz she thought I'm never gonna read it. And after convincing her my attitude towards vampires I got the books after agreeing taht she's gonna ask me questions regarding the books to make sure that I read them ;).

And I already knew the abstract from the trailer butthe first page itself managed to keep my eyes glued to it. It's the best vampire book ever written in the history I would say. Well better make it the best vampire book tht I hv ever read. :) To brief the story it's about a teenage girl , Bella who moves to Forks, and falling in love with a vampire. But the fascinating part is Eddie, the vampire and his family are different from there own kind and do not drink human blood. Rather than describing the story here I'll simply say it's the most touching love story of the decade and not only love, it's full of action, adventure, misery all those feelings that we can hardly get from one single book.

I have always lived my life with the characters from my story books and tv shows as long as I can remember, Josh, Paul, Riana, Kathy, Julian,Harry to name a few. And I never imagined after reading Harry Potter any book would make feel it's so real and unpredictable and keep me glued on to the seat. But Stephany Mayer proved me wrong with Twilight series which consists of five books Twilight, New Moon,Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun. And currently Catherine Hardwicke had put the first book into a movie with Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and I would like to give her my heartiest gratitude towards the hard work they have done to make it a success. And wish all the very best for the second movie of the series, New Moon which is gonna be released in November 20. I should admit the movie's missing some very important and emotional parts from the book but altogether it's a good attempt and Edward Cullen and Bella Swan truely match the characters described in the book.

I am simply crazy about the whole Twilight series right now, not to mention staying home having a leave from the company to simply read the book. ;) It's like finding water in a desert I must say. I guess all this time I was missing the taste of a good book and as it's being a while since I last read something absolutely awesome like this but Twilight was a good push to awake the reader inside me. I invite all of u to read it. Trust me the books worth it. :)