Last few days a lot went through my life. The bewilderment that invaded my life made me loose the power of thinking.And I wanted to think back from my past to today upto the point of resigning. :) Since my childhood I was always appreciated by parents and teachers for my ability to work appropriately in any cirumstance.But then, how could thngs change like this? how could I loose my capability of thinking.Am I not happy? Am I stressed? Am I doing what I wanna do? Is it my immaturity? Or is it my shallowmindedness that made me resign?Well so many questions arose in my mind and inevitably my mind raced back to the school days. Yes, I was more happy n contented n well I was doing everything that I had a passion for. So what went wrong after high school. Can't say I choose a wrong path either coz I always had a passion for computer science infact started learning comuting in grade 4 n was forced to learn Pascal which sounded greek to me at first but then found very interesting. Ok, so I'm in the correct path but yet what is missing then hmmm still no answer but I remember the literature class which I only went coz mom wanted me to. It was the most boring place for me on earth for a long time. But I couldn't let go.I had to hold on coz mom wanted me to.N I did.Finally it became such a lovely place n I ended up being the first student to go to the class to find a first raw seat. lol So why did I let go? why couldn't I hold on? I guess this is the evernessence of life.How strange life is,how fickle! How littele is needed to ruin or save!. This is my interior monologue. This is what my heart say. However miserable we r at a certain place it could become the best place with time. We hv the chance to turn back but the one who holds on wins the race in this long run in life just like Frodo Bagins who held on to the fact that there was some good remaining in this world which was worth fighing for.Ability to stay impertubable under any circumstance opens the gateway to reach the destination one day through whatever obstacle that come in your way.