Couple of days back I realised that it's being a while since I last wrote a blog post.Well I was not exactly busy.But my thoughts were too confusing and I had to distinguish them before turning them into a blog post.Well seriously I'm not too sure what exactly to write either I have no thoughts or I have too many complicated feelings.But I'm sure of one thing that is I'm missing the life I used to have before starting placement.Yeah it's true that I really wanted a change in my life but this is not the change I was seeking.I truly miss going to IIT,getting late for lectures and running up to 5LA coz I never take the lift,sleeping during the lectures ;) ,taking notes, doing course works well this includes all that I used to hate well not hate but these were things that I didn't enjoy at that time.But I truly I miss those days coz at that time I at least had an urge to get up in the morning and get dressed. There was always something new that had to encounter.And I seriously miss travelling from Kaluatara too.I miss passing all the bridges,looking at the beach and the mornng sun and praying that the AC bus wan't meet wwith an accident.he he. But life is a disaster now.I mean there's nothing for me to look forward to next day.Everyday is just another plain dull day except weekend when I go home.And work is the most boring place I've ever been.Well I must admit the people are the most boring I have ever seen (no offence coz maybe there's something wrong with me too).And I hate travelling daily by the over crowded 138 :( .Well currently I feel myself has become a disaster coz I have been there for more than one month and I haven't been trained on anything new except the report generation and java persistence wich were done by a collegue who was kind enough to spend his time on us.But other than that from the company side there has being no real training session or anything of the sort.So I only gaze at a dumb screen or spend time chatting.So I have nothing to say other than office sucks.Well they gave me to write a user manual but hellooo I want to learn something new and I can alraedy write in English, and I am thouroughly disappointed that one month and two weeks of my time is wasted in this place and there's no improvement in my coding skills which I always wanted to improve.Well do u still think that I'm moaning about life not enjoying as it is? Well maybe I am n I'm not gonna defend myself coz I just wrote down what I feel and hey it's my blog so I can write my own mind ;) .Well now I am looking forward to going back to IIT and see all the old faces and get myself in the old lifestyle. I want my life back n I want to smile again, a genuine smile.